The Hall of Visionaries

    The Hall of Visionaries was established to provide service for those in need. Those with the VISION challenge themselves to become the best bloody pirate they can be. Once every moon cycle (or once a month), the Visionaries will meet to cast a vote on those nominated. The amount of those selected depends on the ratio of members to officers.

Click here for a more in-depth look at officer requirements and conduct.

Eric Darksilver

    Eric is a real sea dog who's a mast tasker of the cannon. If he's a part of your crew, enemy masts are guaranteed to TIMBER!!! As a youngin', his father taught him the craft of chopping trees in Ireland. In fact, Irish runs so deep in his veins that the hair grows green.
    Quiet and yet, quite the ladies man. His Hot Tamales have caused many a woman scorned. Forged from the fires of his Voodoo Staff, one may experience a heat wave. Make sure to use SPF 125!
    As loyal as he is self-sacrificial, Eric the Enforcer helps anyone in need. His skill will see anyones' trials and tribulations to full success.

Andy Carmichael

    As a pirate, Andy is no stranger to danger. Her experience outweighs her young looks. In a past life, she reigned as Renegade Queen, mistress of the sea! No gale or squall could strike fear into her heart.
    She can dance if she wants to! She can leave you all behind! Yet if you won't dance, then maybe you'll prance because... you're a friend in time! Flip a coin! Flip a coin!
    Although she is of Spanish decent, her love for French Toast is unprecedented. Andy's maple syrup rivals her Aunt Jemima's.
    A taste for silken linen sends her into a plundering spiral. You gotta admit, Andy has a taste for style!

Dog O'bones

    Dog O'bones or Double Agent? This quiet, mild mannered Pirate is not afraid to admit that he has a sensitive side. Without sensitivity, he unleashes his lethal lighting attacks at the quaking enemies.  Dog's down to get Jiggy with the Jugger anytime!!  Always eager to assist others, he's a welcome addition to the officer's staff. Although, he retires early below decks every night, this party animal attributes it to the Cozumel trip and someone named Rum. He gets more accomplished in those few hours than the average pirate!

Johnny Mcsmythe

    Johnny is a pirate who sees to it that others enjoy the present. Known for his 'world-class' pancakes, they might be staring you in the face. Ask him or close friends in-game if you would like an explanation. They may give you a hint or simply say it's a culinary art form!
    As a sailing man, he's mastered The High Seas in his war frigate, The Black Lion. On many occasions he offers his skills to those stuck in a tight situation. "Learn how the beast moves, and you will see how to bring the beast down!"
    On land, you might find him at the gambling table in some tavern. He plays honest. You won't spot him switching a card or two. Rumor has it the first time he tried, the local officers threw him in the brig. Luckily a friend slipped a file inside a cake. Free at last! Free at last!
    Johnny's blade is swift and accurate, slicing through the air. Don't let his pink doll fool you. He is skilled in the healing arts as well as laying some damage on the bad guy.

Mary Mcswain

    Mary Mcswain is ex navy turned privateer. Fed up with the structured life of the military, she jumped ship in Tortuga one stormy night, where she was washed up on shore and was found by some of our crew. Tired and waterlogged, she quickly recovered and was eager to share her excellent sailing skills with the rest of us.

    Mary will often be seen slipping below decks to tend to her grandson, whom she stows away regularly, to the delight of her crew. (Future pirate in the making?)


    Welcome Glapex to The Hall of Visionaries. You will serve the guild well as an officer! (Personal storyline is coming soon!)

Declan Dreadbain

    Welcome Declan to our band of officers! He is a pirate known for his quick and intelligent sayings. Words coming out of this pirate have been known to bring an end or begin a battle.

Angel Heartwrecker

Welcome Angel Heartwrecker to the Hall of Visionaries. We are sure you will continue your service to the members of the guild. (Storyline coming soon!)